
Hi I'm Jimmy!




As a front-end i build web app and mobile app. I also design beautiful website start from wireframing then designing.

  • React
  • React Native
  • Redux
  • Next.js
  • HTML 5
  • CSS
  • SCSS
  • Tailwindcss
  • Javascript
  • Typescript
  • MaetrialUI
  • Jest
  • Figma


As a back-end I implement RESTful API to website and connect it with front-end. I also Integrate it with databases.

  • NodeJs
  • Express.js
  • PostgreSQL
  • Prisma
  • Firebase


Nodeflux Demo Website

Provides demonstrations and trials for some Nodeflux analytics, solutions, and new innovations. This website is built with NextJs and Golang for the backend. I learned how to work and collaborate as a team, produce clean code, DevOps lifecycle, and microservices architecture.


E-commerce Website made using React. Web-app that the majority of companies did develop their website. start from making all the components, styling it using SCSS and styled-component. adding redux and use it to manage state, firebase to store shop data and user, stripe API for payment, and deployed it at Heroku. Used Higher-Order Component to make components more clean and separated.


Face payment demonstration app. Use face-api.js to handle face recognition. Use Next.js and Tailwindcss for the front end. Use Nodejs and Prisma for the backend. Learned to structure a project by its feature to make the project scalable. Learned to create a logger system in the backend with winston and morgan.

Vienpe Management System

Management system app that helps the admin manage their gym. Made with React, this web application contains basic CRUD to control members, membership, classes, and instructors. Featured automated membership and attendance system. Implement MVC model in the backend.

Landing Page Design


Thanks for visiting my website, if you want to reach me you can email me to I am also available via LinkedIn